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Is it a house? Where do I park?

Yes, we are located in a house on 40 King George's Rd. There is no parking available on King George's Rd, but there are nearby Green P parking lots on Bloor, as indicated on the map.



Do you take appointments?

Since we are just a walk-in clinic, we do not take appointments. We see all patients the same day that they check in.

Is this covered by OHIP? Do you need a referral?

The consultation is covered by OHIP. Any patients without OHIP will be subject to a $50 non-refundable fee. Any cosmetic procedure has an additional fee as outlined in this list here. Please note that prices are simply an average estimate and could vary depending on the patient's needs.


No referrals are necessary to visit our clinic. 

Do you accept the IFH immigration program?

Yes, we accept the IFH programs with valid paperwork.

What are your hours? Are you really open at 4AM on Saturday?

Please refer to the hours as outlined here. Yes we are open at 4AM on Saturday mornings. 

When are the clinic doors open for early check-in?

The clinic doors are open for any patients that wish to check-in at least an hour before the clinic officially opens for practice. Patients can choose to check-in earlier and wait for Dr. Simone to arrive as indicated.

What is the wait time?

On average, wait times are less than an hour. However, this could change depending on the volume of the clinic at the time. As we are a walk-in clinic, it's difficult to give an estimate of wait times. 


For more information regarding this, refer to our Flash Clinic policy and what we strive to achieve.

When is the best time to visit the clinic?

Our clinic is usually slowest at 4AM-6AM on Saturdays, as well as in the mornings on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8:30AM-11:30AM. 


Additionally, it's generally not busy during days of bad weather, including rain and snowy days. 

Do you accept VISA/Mastercard as payment?

Unfortunately, no. We only accept cash, and all proceeds go to the poor.

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